We help Vanessa with congenital brain defect

Vanesska was born in 2018 as a healthy baby of two deaf parents. When Vanessa was just over 4 months old, her parents began to notice that her development was not as it should be. A series of tests confirmed that she had a congenital nerve disorder. However, Vanessa and her parents are great fighters, so they decided to do everything they could to give her a good life. Vanesska regularly undergoes various therapies such as neuro-rehabilitation, physiotherapy, Vojta method, occupational therapy and hippotherapy. A big obstacle is her bunion in her left foot, which limits her walking. She is due to undergo tendon lengthening surgery in the summer, which should have a positive effect on her motor skills. 

"We are trying to improve her motor skills and sensory perception and build a foundation of communication. We would like her to be able to play sports in the future," Vanessa's parents describe. Together, they also attend the Arpida Special Primary School, where Vanesska is involved in swimming, physiotherapy, and other activities. 

"Our biggest dream is that one day she will walk. We appreciate every progress she makes thanks to the care she receives at school. We have a long way to go, but we are not giving up," her parents add with determination.


How can you help Vanessa?

You can help Vanessa, too, directly by registering for any of the 6th Sokol Run of the Republic runs! Catch your entry number today. You can donate any amount; every penny counts!

Account number: 88021097/5500
Variable symbol: 120
Preset amount: 200 CZK
Message to recipient: Sokol Run of the Republic - contribution to charity

What exactly will the money from this fundraiser be used for?

Vanesska had beneficial therapy at the Neuro Center Cortex in Prague, which helped her in her overall development. She has made great strides. For example she can sit up and back down from a standing position, roll over onto her stomach and get off the couch and take her first steps with support. 

Therapy is essential for her and she wants to continue it, but the annual cost is more than 100,000 crowns. The doctors recommended replacing the stroller with a special Panthera Bambino wheelchair, for which the insurance company only contributes about 20%. Vanesska is also going to have surgery on her left calf, after which she will need a special brace made by the Viennese company Pöhlig Orthesen.

The cost of all the necessary equipment exceeds CZK 1 million. The funds raised from the 6th edition of the Sokol Run of the Republic will help Vaneska to successfully complete the treatment.  

"Our wish is that Vanesska can walk and lead as independent a life as possible. Thank you for your support!" conclude Vanesska's parents.




Sokol Run of the Republic helped Sister Anetka with over 200 000 CZK in 2023

The fifth edition of the celebration of the Republic through movement also helps Sokol men and women to whom fate has not been as kind as to the rest of us. The help was directed to fourteen-year-old Anetka, who despite her severe dullness and her family's difficult social situation is fighting for her dream, which is to represent the Czech Republic in twirling. In order to continue to play sports and improve, she needs above-standard coaching care combined with rehabilitation and challenging exercises for spatial orientation. Thanks to the registered competitors, we raised CZK 127,300 and another CZK 100,000 was contributed specifically to Aneta by users of the EPP - Pomáhej pohybem app from the ČEZ Foundation. On October 28th, Anetka herself thanked for the help by performing at the Prague run and a month later a ceremony took place at the Sokol headquarters.



Sokol Run of the Republic 2022 helped Sister Valinka with her treatment

In the past year, we helped all the runners with the Sokol sister Valinka suffering from cerebral palsy and raised a beautiful amount of 103,944 CZK. Racers and the public in the Prague race background also joined in, raising another CZK 51,584 at the CEZ Foundation charity handbells. These funds were provided to the Czech Sokol Community for the transport of children from the Opava region, who will be performing in Prague to practise the Sokol songs for the Sokol Gathering 2024.



Sokol Run of the Republic 2021 supported brother Adam

In 2021 we supported brother Adam who suffers from cerebral palsy. His family would like him to go on a rehab stay with some beneficial medical treatments. It costs dozens of thousands of Czech crowns each year, which the family does not have. The runners have collected fantastic 74,050 CZK. The Czech Sokol Organisation added 10,000 CZK and Raul, the marketing partner of the Sokol Run of the Republic, rounded the sum by adding 15,950 CZK. In the end we managed to collect 100,000 CZK.



Sokol Run of the Republic 2020 supported brother Jaroslav

The Sokol Run of the Republic is not just about running and celebrating the foundation of the republic, but also about helping others. In 2020 we supported brother Jaroslav Šenk who lost his house in the Olomouc region to a natural disaster. Participants contributed 22,800 CZK on top of the race fee and the organisers of the Sokol Run of the Republic rounded the sum to 30,000 CZK.


Thanks everyone who joins the collection!


Since the foundation of Sokolský běh republiky, we have managed to raise a total of 233 944 CZK for a good cause.

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